LND2022: Submit your Poster Abstract Today – We welcome preregistration posters too!

LND2022: Submit your Poster Abstract Today – We welcome preregistration posters too!

Please submit your LND2022 poster abstract TODAY

We’ve set the deadline so the LNG Committee can review submissions for Data Blitz slots, and prepare the abstracts for publication ahead of the conference.

Any submissions made after today will not be considered for a Data Blitz – and the portal will close very soon – so early submissions are encouraged!

Submit An Abstract

Students and early career researchers are particularly encouraged to present a poster.

We also welcome preregistration posters – find out more below:

9am – 6.30pm

24th June

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What’s a Preregistration Poster?

Preregistration posters give the opportunity to submit plans for studies yet to be undertaken, rather than work that has already been completed. 

Preregistration posters should include the following elements:

  • Introduction (background, context, and reasons for carrying out the study etc)
  • Methods (how the hypothesis will be tested) 
  • Approach for statistical analysis (what are the primary outcomes, how the data be analysed, what statistical tests will be used etc)
Little / no data is expected  (beyond any preliminary work that helped to generate the research question).

Please use the links below to share this with colleagues who may not be part of the LNG network (yet!).

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You must be logged in as an LNG member to submit an abstract – or to edit a previous submission. You can register for free, if you’re not already a member. Forgot your password? – It’s been 3 years, we don’t blame you!

There will be two dedicated poster sessions, and abstracts will be made available on the Liverpool Neuroscience Day website in advance. A selection of submissions will also be chosen for a short “data blitz” presentation.

Posters should be A0 Portrait – but you don’t need to submit them in advance, just the abstract using the form on our website.

Also In June: The LNG:ECR Seminar & Networking Evening

The final seminar of the LNG:ECR series on Starting & Developing Your Own Lab will be held on 7th June 2022, in-person on Edge Hill University’s beautiful campus.

The talks will be followed by a tour of the Department of Psychology at Edge Hill University, refreshments, and dinner at The Cricketers in Ormskirk.

The evening is the perfect way to round-off what has been a brilliant series of talks, and will be a great opportunity to network with other Early Career Researchers (including PhD Students, Post-docs and new PIs) in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.

Find out more and RSVP

The LNG is interested to hear your views on future meetings, workshops, and establishing Special Interest Groups. Complete the short survey today »

Is there anything going on we should know about? Email admin@lng.org.uk to include it in the next bulletin.

@LNeuroscience @LNeuroscience

https://lng.org.uk https://lng.org.uk

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