It’s time to clock-off, and join us again this year for our Christmas celebration of Neuroscience, with Mince Pies aplenty.
Come along on to LJMU’s John Lennon Art & Design Building, at 5:30pm on Tuesday 5th December 2023, without hesitation, deviation or hesitation.
This year’s theme, if you haven’t yet clocked it, is Time Perception!
We’ll be joined by Professor Ruth Ogden (Prof of the Psychology of Time, Liverpool John Moores University), and Professor Rob Lucas (GSK Professor of Neuroscience and Director of the Centre for Biological Timing, University of Manchester).
Please RSVP below – it’ll be here sooner than you think!
17:30 – Tea, Coffee, and Mince Pies
Humans are not like clocks which perfectly record the linear passage of time. For us, the speed of the passage of time waxes and wanes depending on our emotions, cognitions and actions. In this talk, I will discuss why our sense of time is so vulnerable to distortion, and explore how this impacts individuals and societies.
It’s just 20 years since the discovery that photoreception in the mammalian retina is not restricted to rods and cones. I will summarise our work exploring what the newly discovered 3rd photoreceptor helps us not only to see but to tell time.
19:30 – Drinks Reception