LJMU CANS Seminar: Does the non-dominant hemisphere matter?

Virtual (Teams)

Magdalena Sliwinska (Liverpool John Moores University)Does the non-dominant hemisphere matter? TMS investigation of the left hemisphere involvement in facial expression recognition Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (CANS) 2021 SeminarAll talks at 12 noon. Meeting link upon request to d.bruno@ljmu.ac.uk



Virtual (Teams)

TBC(NB The previously advertised seminar has been cancelled.) Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (CANS) 2021 SeminarAll talks at 12 noon. Meeting link upon request to d.bruno@ljmu.ac.uk


TWC: Sutcliffe Kerr Neuroscience Lecture 2021

The Walton Centre would like to announce this year’s Sutcliffe Kerr Neuroscience Lecture, held in collaboration with the Liverpool Neuroscience Group.Last year’s event was a great success, thanks to the support of both our presenters, and the many delegates who attended. Bearing in mind the current restrictions the event this year will be an evening […]


The Intergenerational Transmission of Depression

. Other – Liverpool Liverpool, Merseyside, United Kingdom

LivPsych explores the interaction between maternal mental health as a risk factor for the development of depression in their offspring… Children born to mothers experiencing prenatal and postnatal depression have been shown to be at greater risk of developing subsequent depression, in both adolescence and adulthood.   This talk will describe the evolution of our […]


LJMU CANS Seminar: Attitudes, behaviours, and beliefs amidst the COVID-19 crisis

Virtual (Teams)

Ben Gibson (Liverpool John Moores University)Attitudes, behaviours, and beliefs amidst the COVID-19 crisis: Creating international and national profiles, and assessing relationships with working memory and self-regulation Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (CANS) 2021 SeminarAll talks at 12 noon. Meeting link upon request to d.bruno@ljmu.ac.uk


LNG:ECR Seminar – Managing yourself and your projects

Virtual (Zoom)

LNG:ECR present a new seminar series on Starting & Developing Your Own Lab.Seminar One: Managing yourself and your projects Speakers and topics:Dr Charlotte Krahe: “How to manage yourself and your research.”Dr Benedict Michael: “How to manage project and team dynamics.”15-20 mins talk per speaker followed by 10 mins Q & A.The aim of the seminar […]


LNG 2021 Christmas Symposium: The Gut-Brain Axis

Virtual (Zoom)

Following on from our hugely successful Christmas event in 2019, we are pleased to present a virtual Christmas symposium for 2021. As part of our mission to increase public engagement with neuroscience research, this event is free & open to all. Programme 4PM Do animals suffer from poor mental health (e.g. depression and anxiety) like […]

LNG:ECR Seminar 2: Managing Collaborations & Getting Funding

LJMU, Tom Reilly Building Tom Reilly Building, Liverpool John Moores University, Byrom Street, Liverpool, Merseyside, United Kingdom

Thursday March 17th 2022, 16:00-17:00 – Hybrid: LJMU / Zoom Speakers: Dr Cathy Montgomery: Setting up and managing collaborations. Prof. Stephen Fairclough: Applying for funding. Location: Room 1.44, Tom Reilly Building, Liverpool John Moores University, Byrom Street, L3 3AF Register Here: https://lng.org.uk/ECRSeminar-Zoom (If you’re coming in person, please use the registration form to let us […]

LNG:ECR Seminar & Networking Evening (June 2022)

Edge Hill University Edge Hill University, St Helens Road, Ormskirk, Lancashire, United Kingdom

The final seminar of the LNG:ECR series on Starting & Developing Your Own Lab will be held on 7th June 2022, in-person on Edge Hill University’s beautiful campus. The talks will be followed by a tour of the Department of Psychology at Edge Hill University, refreshments, and dinner at The Cricketers in Ormskirk. The evening is […]


The Journey to Mars Begins in Antarctica

LJMU, JP – Lower Lecture Theatre James Parsons Building, Liverpool John Moores University, Byrom Street, Liverpool, Merseyside, United Kingdom

The Journey to Mars Begins in Antarctica: A Psychophysiological Study of Stress, Sleep, and Loneliness. Visiting Scholar Lecture – Open To All Prof. Dr. Martine Van Puyvelde   Thursday 9th June 2022 – 4pm (Earth Time) James Parsons Lower Lecture Theatre – LJMU LJMU’s Faculty of Health are hosting a public lecture by visiting scholar […]


LNG:ECR Seminar & Networking Event

Liverpool John Moores University Liverpool, Merseyside, United Kingdom

The Liverpool Neuroscience Early Career Research group (LNG:ECR) is hosting an in-person Seminar & Networking Event on Thursday 20th October 2022 at 2pm. This is a new format event – put together with ECRs (of all stages) in mind – part workshop, part networking event; The aim is to learn about good presentation techniques (from a experienced lecturer), and to get to know fellow neuroscientists from across the city region.


RCBB Seminar: Prof Nicky Edelstyn (Keele University) – From relay station to integrative hub: The evolving view of the thalamus

LJMU, Tom Reilly Building Tom Reilly Building, Liverpool John Moores University, Byrom Street, Liverpool, Merseyside, United Kingdom

In this RCBB Research Seminar Series talk, Prof Nicky Edelstyn (Keele University) will present her current research under the title “From relay station to integrative hub: The evolving view of the thalamus”. Abstract: Lesions of the mediodorsal and anterior thalamic nuclei consistently produce a neuropsychological footprint that is diverse and inexplicable from the  corticocentric view that considers […]

RCBB Seminar: Dr Amy Bidgood (LJMU) – Individual differences in language development in the preschool years.

LJMU, Tom Reilly Building Tom Reilly Building, Liverpool John Moores University, Byrom Street, Liverpool, Merseyside, United Kingdom

In this RCBB Research Seminar Series talk, Dr Amy Bidgood (LJMU) will present her current research under the title “Individual differences in language development in the preschool years”. Abstract: Despite the complexity of the task, most children are fluent in at least one language by the time the start school. However, even within the ‘typically developing’ population, large […]

Lancaster Auditory Neuroscience Network – Inaugural Symposium

. Other

Talks on hearing, speech, and communication by researchers from the Lancaster Auditory Neuroscience Network. Hybrid event. Join us for an afternoon of short talks from colleagues at Lancaster University Dr Bo Yao, Dr Hannah Stewart, Dr Patrick May, Dr Kate Slade, and Professor Chris Plack, followed by a panel discussion. Talk themes intersect hearing, speech, […]


RCBB Seminar: Dr Ken Valyear (Bangor University)- Changes in the functional organisation of somatosensory cortex following surgical repair of the major nerves of the hand

LJMU, Tom Reilly Building Tom Reilly Building, Liverpool John Moores University, Byrom Street, Liverpool, Merseyside, United Kingdom

In this RCBB Research Seminar Series talk, Dr Ken Valyear (Bangor University) will present his current research under the title “Changes in the functional organisation of somatosensory cortex following surgical repair of the major nerves of the hand”. Abstract: Our hands are the primary instruments by which we interact with the world, empowered by the nerves that bring to life […]

2022 Christmas Lecture – A festive trip through the history, and future clinical applications of psychedelics.

LJMU, John Lennon Art and Design Building Liverpool School Of Art & Design, 2 Duckinfield Street, Liverpool, Merseyside, United Kingdom

The Liverpool Neuroscience Group invites you to join us for a festive trip through the cultural history and future clinical applications of psychedelics. This event is open to all of Liverpool’s neuroscience research community, and will be followed by an informal drinks reception. Talks from 18.00 – 19.30 Drinks Reception 19.30 – 20.30 Speakers: Psychedelic […]


BRNet: Interacting components of body perception

Inaugral E-seminar from BRNet, an international network of researchers investigating body representation (neuroscience and psychology) – organised in partnership with researchers at LJMU.Speaker: Chirs DijikermanDiscussant: Catherine Preston About the E-Seminar organization: Following on from a series of meetings, we have established a more permanent Body Representation Network for the body rep community. Seminars will occur 3 […]