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LNG:ECR is a multi-disciplinary group of Early Career Researchers (students, postdocs, PIs) with research spanning many diverse areas in neuroscience. We are a sub-group of the Liverpool Neuroscience Group which includes the University of Liverpool, Liverpool John Moores University, Edge Hill University, The Walton Centre.

Meet The LNG:ECR Committee

Magda Sliwinska
Liverpool John Moores University

About Magda

After my PhD, I spent two post-doc years at the Imperial College London where I led projects investigating language learning and another three post-doc years at the University of York where I led projects investigating face recognition and face learning.

My current research combines my interests in the neuroscience of language and face processing and additionally aims to use TMS in experimental therapeutics. In my free time, I enjoy travelling, hiking, discovering new coffee shops, and fitness kick boxing.

Bethany Facer
University of Liverpool
LNG:ECR Vice Chair & BNA Student Representative

About Bethany

I am a PhD student in neuroimaging and neuroscience with the BRAIN lab in the Institute of Systems, Molecular and Integrative Biology (ISMIB) at the University of Liverpool. My thesis focuses on mapping white matter tracts in patients with early Parkinson’s Disease using advanced neuroimaging techniques.

I am part of the neuroimaging working group for the COVID-Clinical Neuroscience Study and have previously worked on the DexEnceph trial quantifying oedema and CSF findings in patients with HSV encephalitis. Prior to my PhD I obtained my MSc from King’s College London in Clinical Neuroscience.

Key areas: Movement disorders, Neurology, Neuroimaging, COVID-19

Dorothy Tse
Edge Hill University
Outgoing Chair (2021-2023)
BNA Joint Meetings Secretary and Co-Chair for the BNA2025 Programme Organising Committee

About Dorothy

I am a senior lecturer in the Department of Psychology, Edge Hill University, UK and affiliated with the Centre for Discovery Brain Sciences, Edinburgh Neuroscience, University of Edinburgh, UK. I received my MSc and PhD in Neuroscience from University of Edinburgh, UK. I am a FENS KAVLI fellow and the Young Scientist lead of the European Brain and Behaviour Society executive committee.

My scientific interest is in understanding the neurobiology of learning and memory and in particular, how different factors affect our everyday memory. Everyday memory is the memory used each day to remember things like where you put your glasses or parked your car. I am also investigating different strategies to alleviate mild cognitive impairment and dementia symptoms. My research approach combines state of the art techniques, including animal behaviour, calcium imaging, optogenetics and pharmacological manipulations. I am interested in both human and animal research in learning and memory.

The Tse Lab specializes in investigating the neurobiology of memory, with a particular focus on understanding how the brain processes and retains new information. My research explores the impact of various factors on different types of memory, including episodic (events), semantic (facts and knowledge), and spatial memories.

My lab has three main research themes:

  1. Investigating the influence of prior knowledge, novelty, and curiosity on the processes underlying learning and memory formation.
  2. Examining the effects of aging and dementia on memory and the brain.
  3. Developing behavioural paradigms that bridge the gap between animal models and human memory research, enabling translational studies.

To gain insights into the mechanisms underlying memory and learning, I employ a diverse array of experimental techniques, including behavioural analysis, virtual reality, electroencephalography (EEG), and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). These methods are used to gain insights into the underlying mechanisms of memory and learning.

The Tse lab collaborates with a variety of patient and public involvement groups and charities to promote healthy aging and brain health. The lab has worked with the University of the Third Age (u3a) Ormskirk and Aughton to promote active ageing and behavioural change in Northwest UK communities. I have also collaborated with the University of Bournemouth and Healthwatch Dorset on a project funded by Alzheimer’s Research UK to promote healthy brain health in ethnic minority communities. Additionally, the Tse lab works with the Early Onset Dementia Group at Walton Centre, UK, to improve knowledge of health and wellbeing.
Tse Lab Website

Ieva Andrulyte
University of Liverpool

About Ieva

I’m a second year doctoral neuroscience student, with a particular interest in white matter pathways in language as well as neuroimaging and computational neuroscience. I have a bachelors in Molecular Biology and Genetics and masters in Neuroimaging for Clinical and Cognitive Neuroscience.

Besides my full-time PhD, I’m teaching my PhD project to high school students with The Brilliant Club, working as an outreach manager in University of Liverpool magazine Insider Imprint, and recently joined a mental health ambassador scheme. I also love blogging my journey on the social media, where I have almost 5k followers, and hoping to improve the quality of my science content throughout my journey.

I’d like to help ECRs see academia from a different angle – and help open up opportunities outside academia.

Valeria Occelli
Edge Hill University

About Valeria

I am interested in how cognitive and perceptual processes can be affected by individual variability in personality traits, beliefs and developmental experiences. I use behavioural (psychophysics) and neuroimaging (i.e., MEG and fMRI) techniques.

Maria Planes Alias
Liverpool John Moores University

About Maria

I am a first-year PhD researcher in Neuroscience and Psychology at Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU). My project focuses on the impact of empathy from healthcare professionals on the pain and distress experienced by people with fibromyalgia. This research combines my interests in the neuroscience of pain and emotion regulation, aiming to improve current chronic pain management within healthcare settings.

Prior to this, I completed my MSc in Brain and Behaviour at LJMU, building upon the solid foundation laid during my BSc in Biology at the University of Barcelona. My professional background includes two roles as a research assistant in neuroscience projects at LJMU, and working as a lab technician in the Faculty of Science. 

I have always been passionate about understanding the complexity of human behaviours and have actively sought ways to contribute to the well-being of individuals facing neurological conditions. Outside of my academic pursuits, I find enjoyment in activities such as travelling, exercising, reading, and playing music.

Haifa Alhadyian
University of Liverpool

Adarsh Makdani
Liverpool John Moores University