LNG:ECR Seminar – Interested Speaker Form
And if you’re just interested in coming along – please RSVP below!
Agenda: 2:00pm – 10-minute presentations, with time for discussion, problem solving, and encouragement after each talk. ECRs at any stage are encouraged to contribute. 4:00pm – Dr David Carey will lead a session giving effective presentations 5:00pm – Nibbles, drinks and networking About Dr. David Carey Reader in Psychology – d.carey@bangor.ac.uk David Carey studies sensorimotor control processes in healthy volunteers and neurological patients. Current projects include recording and quantifying manual asymmetries in left-handers and right-handers and quantification of attentional biases towards the preferred hand, which may prove a useful marker for cerebral asymmetries for speech and language. Dr. Carey is an enthusiastic and engaging lecturer, and he’s kindly accepted our invite (and challenge!) to present on presenting effectively [as a neuroscientist]. ____________ The target audience is new PIs, postdocs and PhD students from the Neuroscience research community, but all are welcome. It will be a great networking opportunity, so we are looking forward to seeing you all in person.30 people are attending LNG:ECR Seminar & Networking Event
30 people are attending LNG:ECR Seminar & Networking Event